Kristin Beate Vasbø

Associate Professor - Institutt for lærerutdanning
Norwegian version of this page
Phone +47 22855371
Visiting address Moltke Moes vei 35 Niels Henrik Abels hus 0851 Oslo
Postal address Postboks 1099 Blindern 0317 Oslo

Academic interests

My academic interests are oriented towards youth- life, youth- culture,  identity processes and intercultural perspectives. In my  postdoctor project "Modernization as lived experience" we explore identity constructions of young men and women in two contrasting societies, China and Norway, through a three-generational comparison. In my former PhD project I did study what kind of learning- and identity processes are involved in international youth exchanges for young people. In another project, Space2Cre8, led by Glynda Hull at the Berkeley University, US, we did investigates the sociocultural, developmental, and educational implications of engaging youth around the world in the explosive phenomenon of Internet-enabled social network. As a member in the European university consortium MA EYS I have been involved in working out a Master in European Youth Studies (MA EYS) at a European level. MA EYS is a 120 ECTS transnational and intercultural master's degree in the interdisciplinary field of European youth studies.

Courses taught


Higher education:

PhD (2011), University of Oslo. Thesis title: Det interkulturelle ungdomsmøtet som læringsarena: en etnografisk studie av læring mellom formelle og uformelle kontekster.

Cand. paed (2003) University of Oslo. Thesis title: Interkulturell handlingskompetanse


Associate professor, Department of Teacher Education and School Research, University of Oslo (2014 - present)

Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Educational Research, University of Oslo, Norway (2011 - 2014)

University lecturer, Department of Educational Research, University of Oslo, Norway (2010 - 2011)

Researcher in the Space2Cre8 team, Department of Educational Research, University of Oslo, Norway (2009 - 2010)

Research Fellow, Department of Educational Research, University of Oslo, Norway (2004 - 2009)

Conference coordinator for the international research conference "Childhoods 2005 Oslo" (2003-2004)




  • Vasbø, Kristin Beate & Hegna, Kristinn (2023). Feeling close, disclosing feelings–family practices and practices of intimacy in youth–parent relations across three generations in Norway. Journal of Youth Studies. ISSN 1367-6261. doi: 10.1080/13676261.2023.2267481. Full text in Research Archive
  • Gudmundsdottir, Greta Björk & Vasbø, Kristin Beate (2017). Toward Improved Professional Digital Competence: The Use of Blended Learning in Teacher Education in Norway. In Resta, Paul & Smith, Shaunna (Ed.), SITE 2017. Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). ISSN 978-1-939797-27-8. p. 499–509. Full text in Research Archive
  • Vasbø, Kristin Beate & Gudmundsdottir, Greta Björk (2014). Methodological challenges when exploring new learning sites in educational research. In Gudmundsdottir, Greta Björk & Vasbø, Kristin Beate (Ed.), Methodological challenges when exploring digital learning spaces in education. Brill|Sense. ISSN 9789462097353. p. 1–13. doi: 10.1007/978-94-6209-737-7_1.
  • Vasbø, Kristin Beate (2014). Interkulturelt Ungdomsarbeid i Spennet Mellom Gamle og Nye Forestillinger om Kultur, Likhet og Forskjell. Tidsskrift for ungdomsforskning. ISSN 1502-7759. 14(1), p. 1–31.
  • Vasbø, Kristin Beate & Gudmundsdottir, Greta Björk (2014). Methodological Challenges When Exploring New Learnings Sites In Education. In Gudmundsdottir, Greta Björk & Vasbø, Kristin Beate (Ed.), Methodological Challenges When Exploring Digital Learning Spaces In Education. Brill|Sense. ISSN 978-94-6209-736-0. p. 1–9.
  • Vasbø, Kristin Beate; Silseth, Kenneth & Erstad, Ola (2014). Being a Learner Using Social Media in School: The Case of Space2cre8. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research. ISSN 0031-3831. 58(1), p. 110–126. doi: 10.1080/00313831.2013.773555.
  • Vasbø, Kristin Beate (2013). Intercultural Learning Across Contexts. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education. ISSN 1307-9298. 6(1), p. 83–94.
  • Silseth, Kenneth; Vasbø, Kristin Beate & Erstad, Ola (2012). Sosiale medier i undervisningen: Space2cre8 i et multietnisk klasserom. In Hauge, Trond Eiliv & Lund, Andreas (Ed.), Små skritt eller store sprang? Om digitale tilstander i skolen. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISSN 978-82-0236438-0. p. 156–178.
  • Erstad, Ola; Gilje, Øystein; Sefton-Green, Julian & Vasbø, Kristin Beate (2009). Exploring ‘learning lives’: community, identity, literacy and meaning. Literacy. ISSN 1741-4350. 43(2), p. 100–106. doi: 10.1111/j.1741-4369.2009.00518.x.

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  • Gudmundsdottir, Greta Björk & Vasbø, Kristin Beate (2014). Methodological challenges when exploring digital learning spaces in education. Brill|Sense. ISBN 9789462097353. 164 p.
  • Gudmundsdottir, Greta Björk & Vasbø, Kristin Beate (2014). Methodological Challenges When Exploring Digital Learning Spaces In Education. Brill|Sense. ISBN 978-94-6209-736-0. 156 p.

View all works in Cristin

  • Vasbø, Kristin Beate; Silseth, Kenneth & Arnseth, Hans Christian (2022). Building community in the classroom through interdisciplinary health and life skills education.
  • Maasø, Arnt; Brevik, Lisbeth M.; Vasbø, Kristin Beate; Breivik, Jarle; Lerheim, Birgitte & Malthe-Sørenssen, Anders [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2021). Dette må bli læringsmiljøets år. ISSN 1894-8995.
  • Vasbø, Kristin Beate & Hegna, Kristinn (2019). Feeling close, disclosing feelings – Practices of intimacy in youth-parent relations across three generations .
  • Vasbø, Kristin Beate; Sæther, Elin & Gudmundsdottir, Greta Björk (2018). Conference paper: Exploring student teachers’ understanding of diversity in Norwegian classrooms.
  • Vasbø, Kristin Beate & Gudmundsdottir, Greta Björk (2018). Conference paper: The Benefits of Flipped Learning in a Teacher Education Program in Norway.
  • Vasbø, Kristin Beate & Hegna, Kristinn (2018). The changing role of intimacy and belonging in the making of youth-parent relationships across three generations in Norway.
  • Vasbø, Kristin Beate & Hegna, Kristinn (2018). Solidarity, separation and closeness. Three generations of youth’s narratives of parental relations .
  • Gudmundsdottir, Greta Björk & Vasbø, Kristin Beate (2018). Seminar: Erfaringer med Canvas. Hvordan har vi jobbet i lærerutdanningen ved UiO?
  • Gudmundsdottir, Greta Björk; Sæther, Elin & Vasbø, Kristin Beate (2018). Conference paper: Expanding student teachers’ understanding of diversity in Norwegian classrooms.
  • Vasbø, Kristin Beate & Gudmundsdottir, Greta Björk (2017). Seminar: Erfaringer med Canvas i lærerutdanningen ved UiO.
  • Vasbø, Kristin Beate & Gudmundsdottir, Greta Björk (2017). The use of flipped learning in teacher education program in Norway.
  • Gudmundsdottir, Greta Björk & Vasbø, Kristin Beate (2017). Conference paper: Toward Improved Professional Digital Competence: The Use of Blended Learning in Teacher Education in Norway.
  • Vasbø, Kristin Beate (2016). Den emosjonelle vendingen: et generasjonsperspektiv på ungdoms relasjoner til foreldre.
  • Vasbø, Kristin Beate (2016). The role of agency in young people`s educational choices/ orientations across generations.
  • Vasbø, Kristin Beate (2016). Kunnskapsssamfunnets pedagogiske ungdomsprosjekt. In Kvamme, Ole Andreas; Kvernbekk, Tone & Strand, Torill (Ed.), Pedagogiske fenomener. En innføring. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISSN 9788202494667. p. 293–306.
  • Gudmundsdottir, Greta Björk & Vasbø, Kristin Beate (2016). Conference paper: Towards improved Professional Digital Competence in Teacher Education in Norway.
  • Vasbø, Kristin Beate (2014). Interkulturelt ungdomsarbeid: Gamle og nye forestillinger om kultur, likhet og forskjell,
  • Vasbø, Kristin Beate (2013). Wake up and smell the Culture!
  • Vasbø, Kristin Beate (2012). What kinds of processes of learning and identification are activated through participation in international youth exchange programs?
  • Vasbø, Kristin Beate (2011). Med ungdom på reise - bruk av visuelle metoder i fortolkningen av unges lære- og identitetsprosesser.
  • Vasbø, Kristin Beate (2011). Det interrkulturelle ungdomsmøtet som læringsarena.
  • Erstad, Ola; Silseth, Kenneth & Vasbø, Kristin Beate (2011). Negotiating cultural identity in school: When a social networking site enters a multiethnic classroom.
  • Silseth, Kenneth; Vasbø, Kristin Beate & Erstad, Ola (2010). Space2cre8: Sosiale medier i klasserommet. [Internet].
  • Silseth, Kenneth; Vasbø, Kristin Beate & Erstad, Ola (2010). The Multiple Voices of Space2cre8: Negotiating Cultural Identity in the Classroom.
  • Silseth, Kenneth & Vasbø, Kristin Beate (2010). Bruk av nettsamfunnet Space2cre8 i norsk skole.
  • Vasbø, Kristin Beate (2008). Med ungdom på reise - bruk av video som del av Metodetriangulering.
  • Vasbø, Kristin Beate (2007). International youth exchange an arena for intercultural learning?
  • Vasbø, Kristin Beate (2007). International youth exchange as a learning site.
  • Vasbø, Kristin Beate (2007). Methodological reflections on how researcher and informants interact with a hand-held video camera in a project based om participant observation research.
  • Vasbø, Kristin Beate (2007). Hva er samfunnsvitenskapelig forskningsmetode?
  • Vasbø, Kristin Beate (2007). Ungdomsutveksling – en reise i møte med likheter og forskjeller.
  • Vasbø, Kristin Beate (2006). Hvordan utfordres den formelle utdanningen av kunnskapssamfunnets utvidede forståelse av hva begrepene kunnskap og læring innebærer?
  • Vasbø, Kristin Beate (2005). Intercultural learning in non-formal education.
  • Furberg, Anniken; Rødnes, Kari Anne; Silseth, Kenneth; Arnseth, Hans Christian; Kvamme, Ole Andreas & Lund, Andreas [Show all 12 contributors for this article] (2023). Fagfornyelsen i møte med klasseromspraksiser: Læreres planlegging og gjennomføring av undervisning om tverrfaglige tema. Universitetet i Oslo. ISSN 978-82-93847-11-3. Full text in Research Archive
  • Erstad, Ola; Silseth, Kenneth & Vasbø, Kristin Beate (2011). Sosiale medier, flerkulturell ungdom og læring - Brukerstyrt medieproduksjon og navigering med 'Space2cre8'. Medietilsynet.
  • Vasbø, Kristin Beate (2011). Det interkulturelle ungdomsmøtet som læringsarena. En etnografisk studie av læring mellom formelle og uformelle kontekster. Unipub forlag. ISSN 1501-8962.
  • Vasbø, Kristin Beate (2003). Interkulturell handlingskompetanse. Universitetet i Oslo.

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Published Aug. 14, 2014 9:16 AM - Last modified Aug. 21, 2020 1:11 PM