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An inquiry into girls’ achievement in Science: Horizontal inequalities, socio-economic gaps and disparities using 50 years of international large-scale assessment data (PhD project)

Since the beginning of the 20th century, international comparative large-scale (ILSA) studies have become one of the most prolific areas in education. The ILSAs have the advantage of providing two key elements, the information on the students’ achievement in a certain area and the knowledge about constructs associated with performance. Thus, this research aims to construct a single scale in science with a new scaling approach. From there, to propose a single scale for measuring SES and assessing horizontal inequalities by gender, socio-economic gaps and disparities.

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Illustration photo: Colourbox.

About the project

This PhD project seeks to build a single Science scale and SES scale over time, using a latent regression model with plausible values. As well as to analyze the achievement gap defined by the confluence of two characteristics: SES and gender. Therefore, from a perspective of studying horizontal inequalities, expanding the definition and implications of what is understood as inequality.


Very few studies have utilized the richness of the many ILSAs carried out since 1964 for examining cross-national or country-specific research questions. These investigations can be classified into two central contributions. The first one refers to the construction of a single scale of measures about a learning area over time with the objective of observing the long-term cross-national trends. Moreover, the second contribution presents the study of global trends focused on socioeconomic status; that is, the analysis of achievement gaps changes due to this characteristic, as well as the possible factors that influence this variation over time.


The project financing currently consists of one PhD position financed by CEMO through the Faculty of Educational Sciences.

Published Jan. 18, 2022 3:59 PM - Last modified Sep. 21, 2023 2:55 PM