Eva-Mari Andersen

Doctoral Research Fellow - Institutt for spesialpedagogikk
Image of Eva-Mari Andersen
Norwegian version of this page
Phone +47 22858126
Mobile phone +47 97086592
Visiting address Sem Sælands vei 7 Helga Engs hus 0371 Oslo
Postal address Postboks 1140 Blindern 0318 Oslo
Other affiliations Faculty of Educational Sciences (Student)

Academic interests
My research focuses on exploring the narratives of young adult cancer survivors. This is primarily situated in disability studies, and draws on perspectives from the medical humanities and medical sociology. The research addresses both the educational experiences and everyday experiences of young adult cancer survivors. My current work is on the project: Narratives of young cancer survival. An exploration of experiences related to surviving cancer while also being young.

Substantive focus:
Lived experience
Voiced experience
Disease, illness and disability

Methodological focus:
Semi-structured to unstructured interviewing
Co-constructive grounded theory

Main supervisor:
Jan Grue, Department of Sociology and Human Geography (UiO)

Hilde Bondevik, Department for Interdisciplinary Health Sciences (UiO)
Luca, Tateo, Department of Special Needs Education (UiO)

2018 - Doctoral Research Fellow, UiO

2015 - 2018 Educational / Psychological Counselor, Oslo PPT

2014 - 2015 Clinical educator, BUP Nord



MA, Special Needs Education, University of Oslo (2014).

Thesis: Grief in times of illness. Young cancer survivors’ stories of the loss of a friend with the same disease as themselves. http://urn.nb.no/URN:NBN:no-45283

Tags: illness, cancer, cancer survivors, grief, bereavement, stress and coping, peer relations, disability studies


View all works in Cristin

  • Schou, Ingrid & Andersen, Eva-Mari (2022). Eva-Mari intervjuer unge kreftoverlevere. Etter behandling skal en ta fatt på resten av livet. [Business/trade/industry journal]. Barnekreftforeningen / Våre Barn.
  • Aftret, Bjørg & Andersen, Eva-Mari (2022). Unge kreftoverlevere strever. [Journal]. Onkologisk tidsskrift.
  • Smedsrud, Morten S. & Andersen, Eva-Mari (2022). Overlevelsen tar aldri slutt. [Business/trade/industry journal]. Forskningsmagasinet Apollon.
  • Andersen, Eva-Mari (2022). Å skrive autoetnografisk om barnekreft - metodologiske refleksjoner i prosess.
  • Andersen, Eva-Mari (2021). Bekreftet - en prat om kreft og sånn. Ung Kreft-rådet om å kjede seg på sykehus, sinte følelser, frykt for bakterier. [Radio]. Ung Krefts Podcast.
  • Andersen, Eva-Mari & Munoz Llort, Sonia (2021). Feminismer i interseksjonene: samtaler for å endre samfunnet.
  • Andersen, Eva-Mari (2021). Narrativer om ung kreftoverlevelse: (fraværet) av fortellinger om å leve videre og etter. I symposium: Betydningen av erfaringsbaserte fortellinger i funksjonshemmingsforskning, med Sara Orning, Halvor Hanisch og Sonia Munoz Llort. .
  • Andersen, Eva-Mari (2019). Bra Damer: Eva-Mari Andersen. Markering av den internasjonale barnekreftmåneden. [Radio]. Podcasten Bra Damer.
  • Andersen, Eva-Mari (2019). Ung voksen kreftoverlever - om å leve videre og etter potensielt dødelig kreftsykdom i tenårene. Erfaringer, utfordringer og problemstillinger i et skoleperspektiv.
  • Andersen, Eva-Mari (2019). Grief in times of illness. Narratives about the death of peers as told by young cancer survivors.

View all works in Cristin

Published May 20, 2019 11:13 AM - Last modified Mar. 28, 2022 1:35 PM