Tobias Werler keynote lecture: Pädagogik is unlike pedagogy

The lecture is part of the The 3rd Annual Nordic Educational Conversation (NERA). The lecture will be given via Zoom.

Read more and sign up on NERAS web pages.

Tobias Werler. Foto.
Professor Tobias Christoph Werler will give a key note lecture during the NERA-conference on October 21th. 

About the lecture from NERAS webpage: " I will focuses on the social, political and cultural thought of the concept of Pädagogik. Despite its close semantic relationship to the Standard English translation, pedagogy Pädagogik it does not correspond to it. Stemming from a humanist tradition, Pädagogik can be understood as both a collection of knowledge related to activities of upbringing for practitioners as well as practical science, developing praxis theories.

Throughout the presentation, I will outline that the epistemic, social and communicative structures of Pädagogik are directed towards finding historico-social solutions for practical problems. Further, I will briefly explore Pädagogik as a disciplinary science investigating empirical phenomena and building theories on upbringing, teaching and schooling".

Published Oct. 12, 2022 1:23 PM - Last modified May 22, 2023 1:49 PM