Requirements for the Master's Theses

Below you will find the formal requirements for the Master's Thesis. 


  • The thesis shall be written as a manuscript in journal article American Psychological Association (APA) 7 style with A4 page size. 
  • Placement of Figures and Tables:  Embed figures/tables in the text after each is first mentioned;  We do not adhere to the alternative where all figures/tables are placed on separate pages after the reference list.
  • References shall be written according to the rules set out by the APA7 style. All references cited in the thesis text must appear in the reference list. 


Title page

Use the template for title page created by the University of Oslo

The title page must contain the following: 

  • Title of the page
  • Name of author 
  • Master's Thesis in Assessment, Measurement and Evaluation
  • Number of credits
  • Centre for Educational Measurement
  • Year and semester (e.g. Spring 2023)

Popular abstract 

All master's theses shall include an abstract that is maximum half a page. The abstract must provide information about the thesis statement or question, method and material, result and conclusion. 


After the abstract follows a brief preface. It is good scholarly practice to thank persons who have contributed positively to the implementation of your Master's Thesis. 

Journal Article

The main part of the thesis should consist of 25-40 pages. The structure must be organized and consistent so that the reader can follow your arguments, discussion and findings without confusion. 


The three appendices are not mere obligatory add-ons, but reflect the programme's attention for and the students' training in proper research practices.

Appendix I

GDPR documents and ethical approval

  • Concerns ethical and privacy issues with respect to empirical data and is in line with the growing awareness of the importance of general data protection rules in society.

Appendix II

Data Management and Analysis Code

  • Concerns transparency and replicability of decisions during and results from data analyses, another issue for which there is deservedly a growing awareness in the research community.
    • If you need to include a lot of code, consider including a link to a web repository (e.g., github or OSF), but do explain in the appendix what can be found there and how logically structured/built (e.g., separate analysis steps, different techniques, different sub study, different research question, different sample, etc.). Transparency and reproducibility were key descriptors (in that order) with respect to the appendices. So have that in the back of your mind and rely on your common sense.
    • Ensure from the start to have a clear commenting and naming system for your code.

Appendix III

Supplemental Material

  •  Provides proper room for relevant and important material that would typically not fit within space constraints of a research article.


Published Sep. 21, 2022 10:25 AM - Last modified June 14, 2023 2:35 PM