Enrollment to the field of law: A study of knowledge practices in higher education (PhD project) (completed)

The aim of my PhD-project is to gain insight into how law students become a part of and learn to master the legal expert culture and its specific ways handling knowledge.

About the Project

This study will supplement the existing research on professional learning and learning in higher education by including social and institutional dimensions as well as highlighting the way expert cultures form learning. In this project – a case study of the 5-year integrated program of law at the University of Oslo – I am concerned with what kinds of problems are addressed, as well as what knowledge strategies the students are working with in the master program. In my project I zoom in on students´ work with core principles of legal methodology as a way of becoming a part of the expert culture of law. More specifically, I am interested in how the students master and identify with methodological principles at different stages in the program. My empirical work will consist of video based observations of student group activities and instructional processes, document analysis of course material and texts and interviews with students. My project is linked to the on-going research project HORIZON (Horizontal Governance and Learning Dynamics in Higher Education).


Published Sep. 9, 2014 2:07 PM - Last modified Sep. 29, 2022 10:38 PM


Cecilie Enqvist-Jensen

