Brandmo, Panadero, Hopfenbeck (2020): Bridging classroom assessment and self-regulated learning

I: Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, Online first, Open Access

Bildet kan inneholde: tekst, skrift, produkt, rosa, linje.


Christian Brandmo, Ernesto Pandero & Therese Hopfenbeck.


Over the past few decades, educational research has made considerable progress in describing activities that promote more effective student learning. Two fields of research that have made significant contributions to this progress have been self-regulated learning (SRL) (Panadero, 2017; Schunk & Greene, 2018a) and educational assessment (Brown, 2018; Wiliam, 2017), more specifically formative assessment (Black & Wiliam, 1998; Wiliam, 2011). However, fewer researchers have tried to combine theories from these two fields of research or have grounded their empirical work in both camps (for a review see; Panadero et al., 2018). In line with this incipient line of research, we believe the combination of these two fields holds significant potential to help us understand how to better tailor instructional practices to increase students’ learning, both with respect to cognitive and non-cognitive learning outcomes. Our idea of organising this special issue comes from our experience working within both areas of research over the last decades. During this time, there have been several contributions that have made connections between self-regulated learning and various forms of student assessment (e.g., Allal, 2010; Allal & Lopez, 2005; Andrade & Brookhart, 2016; Brown & Harris, 2013; Butler & Winne, 1995; Nicol & MacFarlane-Dick, 2006; Panadero et al., 2018). Building on this work, we believe that these two fields of research will benefit significantly from being even more connected, and to our knowledge, this is the first special issue on this topic. In this special issue, we publish empirical studies that have integrated self-regulation as part of formative assessment practices, and theoretical concept papers discussing the links between formative assessment or assessment for learning practices (AfL) and self-regulation practices in the classroom.


Publisert 17. sep. 2020 12:48 - Sist endret 4. juli 2022 13:23