Seminar on intervention research in education and special needs education

Researchers of education and special needs education are presently being challenged by politicians and society at large to contribute more actively with guidelines to educators about which policies and practices to adopt. Randomized controlled trials (RCT) are often described as the gold standard\ for providing guidance to educators about evidence based policies and practices. What are their benefits, costs and potential consequences?

To discuss these and other related issues, the research group, Child Language and Learning, organizes a seminar entitled,

The value of randomized controlled trials in education and special needs education


Monica Melby-Lervåg, Professor of Special Needs Education and Acting Dean of Research, The Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Oslo: "Effects from educational interventions in reading and mathematics: What do we know? Where do we go? "


Terje Ogden, Research Director, The Norwegian Center for Child Behavioral Development and Mari-Anne Sørlie, Researcher, The Norwegian Center for Child Behavioral Development:
"From RCTs to nonequivalent comparison design."


Catherine Snow, Professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, and Professor II at The Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Oslo:The seductive RCT: 
"Advantages, limitations, and risks."




Publisert 26. mai 2015 14:38 - Sist endret 26. mai 2015 15:05